Sala Verde - Palazzo Incontri

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The palace takes its name from a family of ancient nobility of Volterra that, at the end of the Sixteenth century, tied its fortune to the events of Florence and the Medici court. The palace is reference point for conferences and cultural events that take place on the first floor of the building, where, among other things, you can admire the fresco 'Feast of the Gods ", built in 1726 by Antonio Domenico Gabbiani.

Giovanni Antonio Vespucci, political, which, according to the testimony of Giorgio Vasari, did make the first real building, which was decorated among others by Sandro Botticelli (Stories of Virginia and Stories of Lucretia). Piero di Cosimo painted the "baccanarie" around a room, with fauns, satyrs and sylvan, cherubs and Bacchae.

In the interior there are significant pictorial representation such as the frescoes with squares in the Sala Verde by Rinaldo Botti and Lorenzo del Moro (1702) and interesting architectural elements, such as balconies for the musicians during the dance parties; views on the walls, ruins, statues of mythological and, at the top, the large double coats of arms. The vault of the small gallery depicting the Feast of the Gods was the last unfinished work by Antonio Domenico Gabbiani.

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